Have a product you love? Sync up with our many integrations.
While Edge Cloud has a solution for almost all of your needs, we do integrate with various industry partners.
InVivoDental & TxSTUDIO from Anatomage, Dolphin Imaging
Radiography:Any radiography that uses a TWAIN compliant driver should be able to be used
Modeling:Orchestrate, OrthoCAD, Ortho Insight D
Telephony and Portal:bLink from Solutions by Design, Demandforce, Sesame, West/TeleVox Housecalls
Financial:OpenEdge, OrthoBanc, Vanco Payment Solutions, Worldpay from FIS
Case Planning/Presentation:Invisalign, SureSmile
Other:DentalXChange, Dentma/Keap (Infusionsoft), EasyRX, Panda Perio